Information for Parents
Welcome, parents! Grace Bible Church is so excited to have the opportunity to supplement your home Bible studies with your kids during our Prep School time. But we want you to know that the first and most important way that your children will learn God's Word is at home with Mom and Dad! We love your kids and want to serve them, but we can never replace you as parents.
To help you structure your daily Bible studies at home, we're excited to share what your children are learning in Prep School. Below are posted summary information on what is being taught in each class; please feel free to use any of this information to review with your kids throughout the week about what they have learned.
To help you structure your daily Bible studies at home, we're excited to share what your children are learning in Prep School. Below are posted summary information on what is being taught in each class; please feel free to use any of this information to review with your kids throughout the week about what they have learned.
Mrs. McReynolds' Class (Ages 6-9) Sunday 1st Service
Julie is currently covering eras of Biblical history; last Sunday the class studied the divided kingdom of Israel, and will be focusing on Nebuchadnezzar and his reign next Sunday.
Mrs. Heckathorne's Class (Ages 6-9) Sunday 2nd Service
The current unit of study is titled "The Fruit of the Spirit".
During the month of February, the following subjects have been taught (please download the linked information for details):
During the month of February, the following subjects have been taught (please download the linked information for details):
Mr. Walters' Class (Ages 12-13) Sunday 2nd Service
Mr. Walters reviews the material taught by our Pastor and ministers during each 1st Session Bible study, reviewing the material covered, and answering each of the students' questions as they arise. Also, Bible drills are occasionally conducted during his classes.
Mrs. Walters and Mrs. Marron's Class (Ages 6-9) Wednesday Night
Mrs. Walters and Mrs. Marron alternate teaching each month.
- Mrs. Walters covered the attributes of God during the month of January.
- Mrs. Marron is currently teaching the principles of God's power as displayed in His creatures; the children looked at the example of the fierce leviathon covered in Job 41:1-8. To help them visualize its power, the children each drew their fiercest depiction of an alligator.